Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Putting Together a Fitness Routine

So I have social anxiety and going to the gym to workout (something I'm not yet skilled at) in front of people I don't know freaks me out.  Something about not knowing how to use the equipment and getting looks of disdain from the gym regulars gives me a panic attack.  Plus, even though there is a private gym at my work (lucky!) I know it will be super packed with the coming of the New Year and there's limited equipment - so I'm going to start out by working out at home.


I am getting my cardio by walking my dog around my neighborhood.  She loves this plan!


I am doing my strength training using a small routine I put together using free weights and a balance ball.  The website My Fitness Bliss is simply amazing in terms of designing your own workout...and it's FREE!  It lets you choose body parts and then suggests exercises based on the equipment you have.  It will even suggest routines for you if you're not the Type A Personality kind like I am and want to design it yourself.  Only catch, to print it out you have to upgrade but I just take notes by hand and refer to them as needed (or sneakily use printscreen).

Chest (Red)
Chest Fly: Outer Chest, Front Deltoids
Dumbbell Press: Triceps

Shoulders (Orange)
Shoulder Press: Triceps, Front Deltoids, Outer Deltoids, Trapezius
Rear Deltoid Raise: Rear Deltoids, Trapezius

Biceps (Blue):
Biceps Curl: Inner Biceps, Inner Forearms

Back (Green):
Deadlift: Butt, Thighs
Arm-Leg Extension: Hamstrings, Butt, Upper and Lower Back

Thighs (Purple)
Squat:  Butt, Quadriceps

The pictures above are the basic routine I am following and I think it's perfect for beginners.  Please note that I emphasise upper body for a reason - I have chronic pain in my neck from a car accident and my physical therapist's direction was to strengthen my upper body.  


I don't want to be one of those people who obviously ignore leg day, so I've balanced the routine out with 3 lower body core moves...hoping to get that awesome bubble butt pinned all over Pinterest!


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