Friday, December 27, 2013

Meet Princess Pity Cake

Hello there my cyber friends. My name is Princess Pity Cake.  I got the name because in my overweight lifestyle I had the habit of eating a whole cake whenever something bad happened and I was filled with self pity.  What I just said was pretty easy to judge, but by getting to know me you'll see there is more to the story than someone just out of control and making poor nutritional choices.

I'm turning 30 this January 14, and though I never thought I would be one of those people affected by their 30th birthday, I am.  I've been overweight the majority of my life and upon facing dirty thirty I realize if I don't change now I'll likely never change.  I'm roughly 200 lbs overweight, we'll over my healthy BMI weight which we all know is controversial.  I hope to lose the weight over 2 years and celebrate by traveling.  After the first 100 lbs, I plan to go to Mexico with some friends for New Years.  After the second 100 lbs I plan to go on a 27 day sojourn through Africa.

A little about me? I like anything vintage and am very into fashion (even as a plus sized woman I've been known as quite stylish because I know where to shop!).  An ex boyfriend got me into it and now I love WWE wrestling, there's nothing as entertaining as watching super hot guys throw each other around! I have a dog and 3 cats.  I work as a business analyst at a major biotech firm.  I am lucky I'm that I enjoy my job.  I am single right now and plan on staying that way during my journey.  I'll talk about why in another post.

Anything else you all would like to know?

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